I’m Ryan McGehee a Western Colorado Commercial Photographer
Hi there, glad to meet you.
(no, not that boring * *yawn ** only shoots products on white backdrops kind), living in Western Colorado who loves living life gazing at the beautiful snow-capped mountain peaks and watching the picturesque aspen leaves live their lives through the seasons.

I think this is the part where I am supposed to tell you about being born with a camera in my right hand and a copy of Ansel Adams book “The Camera” in my left.
Let’s skip that part, it wasn’t until I was in the double digits of my life before I cared one ISO about the craft.
So now you are wondering, is he going to tell me about how he can help me?
Yep, this is what I do.
You have a cool new product that wants, no, needs to be seen by the world. The sleepless nights and relentless hours you put into building this project are worth more than a badly lit iPhone 7 image.
I can help you with this.
Bringing my years of practicing to get a stainless steel panel to not reflect everything in the room (okay, that one wasn’t years but that job did make me wonder), talking four-year-old girls and uninterested ponies into making a pose that neither thought was as much fun as racing across the pasture, and getting the interior of a 200 sq ft tiny home to look like the Hilton. I welcome the possibilities that your amazing project brings.
But Ryan you say, it’s not really a product that I have, as you think about your multi-state franchise that you are needing some really sweet location images of.
Ah, yes, I have got you covered my friend.
I have photographed some cool places (there is a photo somewhere floating around of me up to my waist in snow getting “the” shot, cool on so many levels). My experience with large and small places along with working to get smiles on the whole crew (yep even Stan kind of grinned) for the new “about us” page, will make sure that your company looks its best.
So where do we go from here?
I like making images, the visual world is my playground; You need images. Hit the “Work With Me” button and tell me about your project or pick up that mini multi-computer in your pocket and use the phone app to give me a call.
I am looking forward to working with you.